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Skokie Lagoons: Constructed Nature


We hope this exhibit has piqued your interest in the history of the Skokie Lagoons.  Below are some sources for further information.


Winnetka Historical Society

Forest Preserve District of Cook County

Friends of the Forest Preserves
For information on on Cook County's forest preserves and volunteer opportunities

Chicago River Canoe and Kayak
For information on boat rentals at the Skokie Lagoons

Civillian Conservation Corps Legacy

PBS Civilian Conservation Corps page


Edward H. Bennett.  Plan of Winnetka.  Winnetka, Ill.:  Village of Winnetka, 1921.
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Douglas Brinkley. Rightful Heritage: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Land of America. New York: Harper, 2016.
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Daniel Burnham, Edward H. Bennett, and Charles Moore. Plan of Chicago. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1993.
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William Cronon. Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West. New York: W.W. Norton, 1991.
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Caroline Harnsberger.  Winnetka: The Biography of a Village.  Evanston, Ill:  The Schori Press, 1977.
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Libby Hill. The Chicago River: A Natural and Unnatural History.  Chicago: Lake Claremont Press, 2000.
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Neil M. Maher. Nature's New Deal: The Civilian Conservation Corps and the Roots of the American Environmental Movement.  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
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Hal Rothman. Saving the Planet: The American Response to the Environment in the Twentieth Century.  Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2000.
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T.H. Watkins.  Righteous Pilgrim: The Life and Times of Harold L. Ickes 1874-1952.  New York:  H. Holt, 1990.
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